Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Translating Joined Data Files from ArcMap 9.x to AEJEE

In my curriculum writing for GIS, I often join data files for use in ArcMap 9.x.  AEJEE, ArcExplorer Java Edition for Education, is unhappy with these files.  However, there are some simple steps to follow so that they work nicely in AEJEE.  

FIRST, In ArcMap:
1. Join the data files
2. fix the table names so that they are only 8 characters max
3. get rid of any spare fields that you really don't need
4. save your edits
5. export the data as a shapefile

1. add the shapefile
2. do your analysis

Special Thanks to Charlie Fitzpatrick and all the Education Team folks at ESRI for making GIS easier for all educators.