Sunday, August 06, 2006

ESRI EdUC Day 1 & 2: Computers and Workshops and Sessions, Oh MY!

Day 1: After the opening session, we hit the ground running, I saw a map design lab and an excellent presentation by the folks from Montanta about their project Science Goes Spatial (
Day 2:
Today was an exciting journey in the computer lab for me! I had the chance to customize buttons, and an opportunity to practice and learn more about ArcMap and ArcIMS! We learned how to take *.jpegs of historical maps and georeference them with current maps. It was just TOO MUCH fun for a map geek!!! If you're interested on the how-to, I'll be happy to share. More on the geek train...I was working on html and java code in the ArcIMS customizing session.

Other than that I was encouraged by the great turnout for the Curriculum Developers SIG. Charlie Fitzpatrick and George Dailey ( led us in an outstanding discussion of:

  • What's in place?
  • What are you doing?
  • What's needed?
I'm excited about the future of GIS in Education!