Sunday, August 29, 2010

Personal Geography #2: North, South, East or West?

This video clip is great fun, as well as a good lesson in geography.   I think it's so funny because you just can't make this kind of thing up.  I know how the lady feels in trying to explain this lovely spot.  I personally used to live just north of a little town called West in Texas.  They sold shirts for a while that said West Comma Texas.  And... I can report that if you're in the mood for great Kolaches (this amazingly tasty Czech pastry) stop in West, Texas.

So meet this lovely lady who spent many years in North, South Carolina.


Joseph Kerski said...

Barbaree: This is indeed quite wonderful and could be a nice introduction to mapping and studying place names. I wrote 2 blog entries about how this could be done using free GIS tools, both for Mapping Valentines Day and Mapping Independence Day names, but the same concepts could be applied to any type of name. For example, what if you mapped out Shoshone place names? Or the last or first names of the students? i.e. how many "Sanchez" or "Emma" mountains, rivers, or towns exist and what is their distribution? Or the distribution of classical Greek or Roman names?

See this link to get started:

--Joseph Kerski

Joseph Kerski said...

My link did not get shown correctly in the last post:

If the above does not get displayed correctly, just go to and under all of the terms on the right, do a search on "place names." and you will find the 2 links.

--Joseph Kerski